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The path to the feature…

Why investors are excited about OUR RITE?

Horror is really IN.

Social psychologists found there's currently an obsession with horror movies because they offer a socially-acceptable outlet for people to process their anxiety and existential terror about today's reality.

Aside from superhero movies — horror is Hollywood’s most dependable genre at the box office.

Horror continues to be immune to the streaming revolution. “Smile,” “The Black Phone” and “Barbarian” are examples of low cost horror films pulling audiences off the couch and into theaters.

Horror is profitable.

Because so much of a great horror film is creating tension with what you can't see, horror can be made with small budgets while still offering impactful visuals and huge emotional engagement.

In the last 10 years, the top five films in horror had a ROI around 2,000 percent (translation: for every $10 put into a movie, an investor would get $200 in profit). That's nearly double the ROI on the top films in comedy and drama.

According to NPR, of the 30 films that delivered the best ROI in the last 10 years, 13 of them were horror.

OUR RITE will capture the cultural zeitgeist and win over audiences by:

Using horror to explore our existential terror about:

  • Democracy's decline

  • Climate change

  • Mysogyny

  • The internet dehumanizing others

  • Our rage about all of the above

Creating real, compelling characters. This coven is very relatable and breaks out of female stereotypes.

Subverting expectations. Since the genre began, monsters and villians in horror films have read as queer. Our Rite centers on queer characters, but has no true heroes or villains or monsters.

Offering hot take on hot-button issues of our day. It's both original and in line with the most popular trends in film and tv.

Our Rite Comps

OUR RITE merges the psychologically nuanced, beautiful horror of MIDSOMMAR, the slow unfolding of mystic forces in YELLOWJACKETS, and the revenge fantasy indulgence of PROMISING YOUNG WOMEN.

All three were celebrated as artistic and financial achievements.